These classes are for communication with hardware by the Institut für Physikalische Chemie, Göttingen.
Bases: Device
Abstract class for IPC protocol communication over RS-485.
A device of this type is needed as the bus parameter of the other IPC devices.
Concrete implementations are IPCModBusTaco, IPCModBusTCP, IPCModBusSerial.
Parameters inherited from the base classes: description, loglevel, lowlevel
Bases: TacoDevice, IPCModBus
IPC protocol communication over TACO RS-485 server.
Number of tries for sending and receiving. Default value: 3.
Parameters inherited from the base classes: description, loglevel, lowlevel, tacodelay, tacodevice, tacotimeout, tacotries
Bases: IPCModBus
Base class for IPC connections not using the RS485 TACO server.
This is an abstract class; use one of IPCModBusTCP or IPCModBusSerial.
Number of tries for sending and receiving. Default value: 5.
Maximum time to wait for an answer, set this high to slow down everything. Default value: 0.10000000000000001. Unit: s.
Parameters inherited from the base classes: description, loglevel, lowlevel
Bases: IPCModBusTacoless
IPC protocol communication bus over network to serial adapter using TCP connection.
Hostname (or IP) of network2serial converter.
TCP Port on network2serial converter. Default value: 4001.
Parameters inherited from the base classes: commtries, description, loglevel, lowlevel, roundtime
Bases: IPCModBusTacoless
IPC protocol communication directly over serial line.
Device file name of the serial port to use.
Parameters inherited from the base classes: commtries, description, loglevel, lowlevel, roundtime
Bases: Motor
This class supports IPC 6-fold, 3-fold and single motor cards.
It can be used with the nicos.generic.Axis class.
Attached devices
Motor acceleration (0..255). Default value: 0.
Bus address of the motor.
Configuration byte. Default value: 0.
Speed divider. Default value: 0.
Firmware version. Default value: 0.
Inhibit input. Default value: 'off'.
Upper motorlimit. Default value: 0. Unit: steps.
Microstepping mode. Default value: 1. Unit: steps.
Lower motorlimit. Default value: 0. Unit: steps.
Internal power stage switch. Default value: 'on'.
Ramp type. Default value: 1.
Relay switch. Default value: 'off'.
Motor slope. Default value: 1.0. Unit: steps/main.
Motor speed (0..255). Default value: 0.
Start delay. Default value: 0.0. Unit: s.
Last position in steps. Default value: 0.
Stop delay. Default value: 0.0. Unit: s.
Waiting timeout. Default value: 360. Unit: s.
Motor unit. Default value: 'steps'.
Motor steps for physical zero. Default value: 0.0. Unit: steps.
Parameters inherited from the base classes: abslimits, description, fixed, fmtstr, loglevel, lowlevel, maxage, pollinterval, precision, target, userlimits
Bases: Moveable
Makes the relay of an IPC single stepper card available as switch.
Attached devices
Parameters inherited from the base classes: description, fixed, fmtstr, loglevel, lowlevel, maxage, pollinterval, target, unit
Bases: Readable
Makes the inhibit of an IPC single stepper card available as an input.
Returns ‘on’ if inhibit is active, ‘off’ otherwise.
Attached devices
Parameters inherited from the base classes: description, fmtstr, loglevel, lowlevel, maxage, pollinterval, unit
Bases: Coder
This class supports both IPC absolute and incremental coder cards.
It can be used with the nicos.generic.Axis class.
Attached devices
Bus address of the coder.
Wrap-around value for circular coders, if negative use it as +/-, else as 0..value, None disables this. Default value: None.
Configuration byte of the coder. Default value: 0.
Firmware version. Default value: 0.
Coder slope. Default value: 1.0. Unit: steps/main.
Current coder position in steps. Default value: 0.
Coder steps for physical zero. Default value: 0.0. Unit: steps.
Parameters inherited from the base classes: description, fmtstr, loglevel, lowlevel, maxage, pollinterval, precision, unit
Bases: Readable
IPC I/O card digital input class.
Attached devices
Bus address of the card.
First bit to read.
Last bit to read.
Parameters inherited from the base classes: description, fmtstr, loglevel, lowlevel, maxage, pollinterval, unit