Base class for instrument monitors.
Bases: dict
Bases: dict
Bases: nicos.cache.client.BaseCacheClient
Bases: BaseCacheClient
A graphical window showing values of cache keys.
For cache keys that correspond to NICOS devices, not only the devicevalue, but also the device status and unit are shown.
Attached devices
Font name for the window. Default value: 'Luxi Sans'.
Basic font size. Default value: 12.
Geometry for status window. Default value: ''.
Status monitor layout.
Padding for the display fields. Default value: 2.
Whether the window is resizable. Default value: True.
Title of status window. Default value: 'Status'.
Font name for the value displays. Default value: ''.
List of warning conditions.
Parameters inherited from the base classes: description, loglevel, lowlevel, prefix, server
Fltk version of instrument monitor.
Bases: nicos.monitor.fl.Fll_Layout
Bases: Fll_Layout
Bases: fltk.Fl_Group
Bases: Fl_Group
Bases: fltk.Fl_Double_Window
Bases: Fl_Double_Window
Bases: fltk.Fl_Box
Bases: Fl_Box
Bases: nicos.monitor.fl.Fll_Layout
Bases: Fll_Layout
Bases: nicos.monitor.fl.Fll_Layout
Bases: Fll_Layout
Bases: nicos.monitor.Monitor
Bases: Monitor
Fltk specific implementation of instrument monitor.
Attached devices
Parameters inherited from the base classes: description, font, fontsize, geometry, layout, loglevel, lowlevel, padding, prefix, resizable, server, title, valuefont, warnings
Bases: fltk.Fl_Group
Bases: Fl_Group
Bases: nicos.monitor.fl.Fll_Vbox
Bases: Fll_Vbox
Bases: nicos.monitor.fl.Fll_Hbox
Bases: Fll_Hbox
Gtk version of instrument monitor.
Bases: nicos.monitor.Monitor
Bases: Monitor
Gtk specific implementation of instrument monitor.
Attached devices
Parameters inherited from the base classes: description, font, fontsize, geometry, layout, loglevel, lowlevel, padding, prefix, resizable, server, title, valuefont, warnings
Qt version of instrument monitor.
Bases: PyQt4.QtGui.QFrame
Bases: QFrame
Provide the equivalent of a Tk LabelFrame: a group box that has a definite frame around it.
Bases: nicos.monitor.Monitor
Bases: Monitor
Qt specific implementation of instrument monitor.
Attached devices
Parameters inherited from the base classes: description, font, fontsize, geometry, layout, loglevel, lowlevel, padding, prefix, resizable, server, title, valuefont, warnings
Bases: PyQt4.QtGui.QMainWindow
Bases: QMainWindow
Bases: PyQt4.QtGui.QLabel
Bases: QLabel
A label that calls back when entered/left by the mouse.
Tkinter version of instrument monitor.
Bases: dict
Bases: dict
Bases: nicos.monitor.Monitor
Bases: Monitor
Tkinter specific implementation of instrument monitor.
Attached devices
Parameters inherited from the base classes: description, font, fontsize, geometry, layout, loglevel, lowlevel, padding, prefix, resizable, server, title, valuefont, warnings