Taco FRM-II detector classes

class nicos.taco.detector.FRMChannel

Bases: TacoDevice, Measurable

Base class for one channel of the FRM-II counter card.

Use one of the concrete classes FRMTimerChannel or FRMCounterChannel.


ismaster (bool, settable at runtime)

If this channel is a master. Default value: False.

mode (one of 'normal', 'ratemeter', 'preselection', settable at runtime)

Channel mode: normal, ratemeter, or preselection. Default value: 'preselection'.

preselection (float, settable at runtime)

Preselection for this channel. Default value: 0.0.

Parameters inherited from the base classes: description, fmtstr, loglevel, lowlevel, maxage, pollinterval, tacodelay, tacodevice, tacotimeout, tacotries, unit

class nicos.taco.detector.FRMTimerChannel

Bases: FRMChannel

Parameters inherited from the base classes: description, fmtstr, ismaster, loglevel, lowlevel, maxage, mode, pollinterval, preselection, tacodelay, tacodevice, tacotimeout, tacotries, unit

class nicos.taco.detector.FRMCounterChannel

Bases: FRMChannel


type (one of 'monitor', 'counter', mandatory in setup)

Type of channel: monitor or counter.

Parameters inherited from the base classes: description, fmtstr, ismaster, loglevel, lowlevel, maxage, mode, pollinterval, preselection, tacodelay, tacodevice, tacotimeout, tacotries, unit

class nicos.taco.detector.FRMDetector

Bases: Measurable

The standard detector at FRM-II, using the FRM-II counter card.

Attached devices


Counter channels. Type: a list of FRMChannel.


Monitor channels. Type: a list of FRMChannel.


Timer channel. Type: FRMChannel.

Parameters inherited from the base classes: description, fmtstr, loglevel, lowlevel, maxage, pollinterval, unit

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